Tenancy Application Form

  • Only fields marked with an asterisk are compulsory, but we suggest giving as much information as you are comfortable with. This will increase your chances of a successful application.

* Fields marked with an asterix are compulsory

Start typing the Tenancy Address you are applying for then tick the correct address from the popup.
Please only use the manual input boxes if your address is not automatically offered in the popup.
*First Name
Middle Name
*Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy ie Day/Month/Year)
*ID Type Why is photo ID a requirement?
*ID Number
DL Version
 5B on Drivers Licence eg 002. If you have used Drivers License as ID type please put version.
Bank Account Number
Upload Photo  
Must be a current photo of you. Photo of Drivers License is good.

Current Address  
Note that proof of address may be required by the Property Manager
*Street Number
*Street Name
If street address is a suburb within a City/Town please insert a suburb name
Must be a town or city that has a postcode
Time at this address
Current rent
Current Phone number
Mobile phone
Length of time you have
had this Mobile number
Email address
Current Landlord name
Current Landlord phone number
Reason for moving
Preferred time length of next tenancy
Number of intended occupants (Adults)
Number of intended occupants (Children)
If dogs please state breed and registration number.
Are you a smoker?
Ever been party to a Tenancy
Tribunal or Mediated order?
Facebook name
Trademe username
Upload a written reference  
Must be a Word document or PDF format.
Upload another written reference
Upload another written reference

Previous Address if Current Address is less than one year.
Street Number * Note, enter apartment addresses in unit/street format, eg 3/56
Street Name
Town / City
Landlord name
Landlord phone number

Car Registration  Make & Model

Employer Phone number
Time there Job description

If you are currently receiving your income from WINZ please provide your customer number

Benefit Type Customer number

Contact / References   
Preferably 2 contacts, not family members nor people you intend to have living with you

Contact 1. Name  Phone number
Contact 2. Name  Phone number

Next of Kin

Name  Phone number


Name  Phone number
Date of Birth


Comments in support of this application.

    Privacy Act 1993 Statement           This application form collects personal information about you. 
  • This information is required to assess your eligibility as a tenant.
  • Collected information, may be provided to a tenant default database and/or credit bureau if you enter into a Tenancy Agreement and fail to comply with the terms of that agreement. ( A tenant default database records the names of the persons who have been found in breach of their tenancy agreement and/or the Residential Tenancies Act 1986 by the Tenancy Tribunal). This information will be accessible to other people that may inquire of this credit bureau and/or tenant default database.
  • The information in this tenancy application form will be retained within the office of a Property manager or Landlord whom you enter a Tenancy Agreement with.
  • If you do not supply all the information in this form, you may not be considered for a tenancy
  • You have a right to see the information held about you by any credit bureau or tenant default database and to correct that information in accordance with the Privacy Act.
  • I consent to you making any type of reference, verification or credit check including an online TINZ check and all associated databases.
  • I consent to you providing the information in this form and details of any proven breach of my Tenancy Agreement or of the Residential Tenancies Act 1986 to any credit bureau or tenant default database.
  • I acknowledge that the information may then be made publicly available through credit bureau or tenant default databases.
  • I agree that you may use any of the information on this application form to enforce any judgement in respect of the tenancy agreement or in respect of any order against me by the Tenancy Tribunal.
  • I agree that an assessment regarding my fulfilment of basic tenant responsibilities may be added to an internet based tenant reference website. This assessment will be about how I/We...pay the rent on time....keep the dwelling and grounds tidy,... are considerate towards neighbours,... leave the dwelling and grounds tidy
  • If I am declined a tenancy for reasons of a bad credit history or Tenancy Tribunal orders against me, I am aware that this may be placed on a tenancy database.
  • I confirm the information in this form is true and correct and that I have read the Privacy Act Statement as stated above.  

   I accept the terms and conditions as stated above.
   Make this application accessible to property managers and landlords.